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Journal Articles

Book Chapter

R. O. Scarlat and C. Andreades. “Chapter 13: Solid-Fueled Reactors.” Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium Energy. Ed. Thomas Dolan. Elsevier Press. 2017.


L. J. Chapdelaine. Experimental and Computational Study of Static Solidification of Molten Fluoride Salts for Reactor Coolant Application, M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017. Supplemental data found here.

M. Brichford. Modeling Tritium Transport in the FHR Core, M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017.

N. Patel. Tritium Transport in Fluoride salt cooled High Temperature Reactors (FHR’s), M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017. Supplemental data found here.

White Papers

UWHM-REC-17-01 Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Code Benchmarking White Paper – Materials, Activation, Tritium and Transport (MATT) Working Group | Integrated Research Project (IRP-2) Workshop 2 UC Berkeley April 2016 Tritium Control and Capture in Salt-Cooled Fission and Fusion Reactors: Status, Challenges and Path Forward. MIT-ANP-TR-166. May 2016. CANES, MIT.| Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Code Benchmarking White Paper – Thermal Hydraulics Working Group. UCBTH-16-002. April 2016. UC Berkeley.| Design, Fabrication and First Experimental Results from the Compact Integral Effects (CIET 1.0) Test Facility in Support of Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor Technology. UCBTH-14-009. 2014. UC Berkeley.| Technical Description of the ‘Mark 1’ Pebble-Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (PB-FHR) Power Plant. UCBTH-14-002. September 2014. UC Berkeley.|

Peer-Reviewed Conference Articles

NURETH- 17: 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydraulics. Sep 3-8, 2017. Xi’an, China.

  • K. Ahmed, R. O. Scarlat, R. Hu. Benchmark Simulations of Natural Circulation Cooling Systems with Salt and Oil Working Fluids using SAM.
  • M. Abou Dbai, K. Ahmed, R. O. Scarlat. Stability Analysis of Natural Circulation with Salt Freezing: Application to FHR DRACS.

American Nuclear Society (ANS) Annual Meeting: Jun 11-15, 2017. San Francisco, CA.

  • L. Chapdelaine, R. O. Scarlat. Fluoride Salt Static Freezing Study.
  •  H. Wu, R. Gakhar, C. Contescu, R. O. Scarlat. Study of Tritium Transport in Nuclear Grade Graphite and Molten Fluoride Salt Systems.

PRiME: October, 2016. Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • R. O. Scarlat., F.Carotti, H. Wu, D. Macdonald,  Hydrogen Diffusion and Trapping in Fluoride Salt Melts and Graphite Electrodes.

ICAPP 2016: April 2016. San Francisco.

  • Huali Wu, Jayeesh Bakshi, Nisarg Patel, Raluca O. Scarlat. Measurements of Fluoride Salt Intrusion in Matrix Graphite and High Purity Nuclear Graphite.
  •  Louis J. Chapdelaine, Kazi K. Ahmed, Mohamed A. Dbai, Raluca O. Scarlat. Experimental and Computational Study of Fluoride Salt Mixture Solidification.

NURETH-16: 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydraulics. 30 Aug. – 4 Sept. 2015. Chicago, IL.

  • Michael C. Young, Huali Wu, Raluca O. Scarlat. Characterization of Tritium Transport in the FLiBe-Graphite System, for In-Situ Tritium Absorption by the Fuel Elements of the Fluoride-Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (FHR). | Slides: Tritium Transport.
  • F. Carotti, M. Abou Dbai, K. Ahmed, J. P. Kallas, E. Alkindi, Raluca O. Scarlat. Experimental and Modeling Studies of Over-Cooling Transients in Fluoride-Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHR). | Poster: Over-cooling transients.
  • L. Huddar, P.F. Peterson, R. Scarlat, Z. Guo. Experimental Strategy for the Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficients in Pebble Beds Cooled by Fluoride Salts.

ICAPP 2015: International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants. 3-6 May 2015, Nice, France.

Conference Presentations & Posters


2018 AIChE

2018 ANS (American Nuclear Society) Annual Meeting: June, 2018. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania|

  • A. R. Delmore, W. Derdeyn, R. Gakhar, R. O. Scarlat.  Wetting of Graphite by Molten Fluoride Salts: Initial Experiments
  • NuSTEM
  • Radiative Heat Transfer

ANS Student Conference 2018.  Conference theme: “Nuclear Equality in Policy, Energy Access, & Within the Engineering Community”  April 2018. Gainesville, FL. | Ben Chen, Ricardo Vidrio, Raluca O. Scarlat. Experimental Setup of Static Freezing Studies of Fluoride Salts | Kyle Anderson, Kazi Ahmed, Raluca Scarlat. Calculation of a Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Salt Pipe Freezing Scenario

2017 INGSM (International Nuclear Graphite Specialist Meeting): September, 2017. Baltimore, Maryland | H. Wu., R. Gakhar., R. Scarlat.  Micro-structure comparison between IG110 and A3 & Fluorination of nuclear grade graphite IG110 in Flibe under 700 C

2017 AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) Annual Meeting. October 31. Minneapolis, MN | W. Derdeyn, R. Scarlat. A Review of IR Spectroscopic Studies of Molten Fluoride Salts.

Thorium Energy Alliance Conference 8. August 2017. St. Louis, Missouri. | R. O. Scarlat. Tritium Transport in FHR and Chemical Thermodynamics of Molten Salts.

Molten Salt Reactor Workshop. October 4-5, 2016. Oakridge, TN. | K. Ahmed, L. Chapdelaine, M. Dbai, K. Anderson, T. Kegley, A. Hogres, R. O.  Scarlat. Experimental And Computational Studies of Thermal-Hydraulics Phenomena for Salt-Cooled Reactors. Congratulations to Kazi Ahmed and the rest of the TH team for winning the Best Poster Award! | W. Derdeyin, R. Gakhar, H. Wu, N. Patel, R. Auguste, R. O. Scarlat. Electrochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy for the Study of Flibe Chemistry & Flibe-Graphite Interaction. | N. Patel, H. Wu, R. Gakhar, M. Brichford, C. Swee, R. O. Scarlat. Tritium Transport in Fluoride-Salt Cooled high Temperature Reactors. | L. Chapdelaine, R. O. Scarlat. Beryllium Monitoring, Handling, and Waste Disposal.

18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry. August 7-12, 2016. Kiev, Ukraine. | R. Gakhar, W. Derdeyn, R. O. Scarlat. Spectroscopic Analysis of Molten Flibe for application to FHR.

The Electrochemical Society Meeting. May 29 – June 2, 2016. San Diego. | F.Carotti, Digby Macdonald, R.O.Scarlat. Development of Electrochemical Methods for High Temperature Molten Fluoride Salts.

TRITIUM 2016. April 2016. Charleston, SC. | Huali Wu, Quentin Deslot, Raluca O. Scarlat. Tritium Imaging Techniques for the Study of Tritium Transport in the Graphite Fuel Elements of Fluoride-Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs). | Charles W. Forsberg, David M. Carpenter, Dennis G. Whyte, Raluca Scarlat, Liu Wei. Tritium control and Capture in Salt-Cooled Fusion and Fusion Reactors.

CARBON 2016. Penn State. | Nisarg Patel, Huali Wu, and Raluca Scarlat. Microstructural Characterization of Graphite Matrix A-3, and a Comparison with Nuclear Graphite IG-110. | Stephen Tsz Tang Lam, Charles W. Forsberg, Ronald G. Ballinger, and Raluca Scarlat. Using Carbon to Remove Tritium and Other Impurities from 700 oC Salt Coolant from Fission and Fusion Power Plants

ANS Student Conference 2016. Conference theme: “Be a Critical Member of the Nuclear Industry.” March 2016. Madison, WI. | Nisarg Patel, Huali Wu, Raluca Scarlat. Characterization of Graphite Matrix A3 and Nuclear Graphite IG-110. | Mohamed Abou Dbai. Verification and Validation of a Simple Molten Salt Natural Circulation Loop Model in COMSOL. | Louis J. Chapdelaine, Jarett P. Kallas, Nicholas C. Kizewski. Fluoride Salt Mixture Solidification and Supercooling. | Kevin van Duyssen. What are the Ethical Responsibilities of Countries that Export Nuclear Power? | K. K. Ahmed, J. P. Duarte, R. O. Scarlat. Overview of RELAP-7 Benchmarking Tests and Planned Experiments at UW-Madison Thermal Hydraulic Facilities. | Jayeesh Bakshi, R. O. Scarlat. Contact Angle Measurements of Fluoride Salt  on Graphite Matrix and High Purity Nuclear Graphite. | Huali Wu, Raluca O. Scarlat. Hydrogen Isotope Measurement Techniques for Application in Fluoride Salt Cooled High Temperature Reactor (FHR). | Francesco Carotti, Raluca Scarlat. Development of Electrochemical Methods for High-Temperature Molten Fluoride Salt Systems.



MSR Workshop 2017. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. October 2017 | Wisconsin Energy Institute. Nuclear Energy and Society. September 2017. | Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp. Module: Ethics and Responsible Design. August 2016. Berkeley, CA. | Molten Salt Reactor Workshop 2016Website. October 2016. ORNL. | Third Way Advanced Nuclear Summit and Showcase. 26-27 January 2016. Washington, DC. | Molten Salt Electrochemistry Short Course. December 2015. Madison, WI. | MSRE 50th Anniversary Workshop. October 2015. ORNL. | FHR Tritium Workshop. October 2015. Salt Lake City. | Climate Change and the Future of Nuclear Energy. Yale Climate and Energy Institute. 24 April 2015 at Yale in New Haven, CT. Slides.Text. |FHR IRP-2 Workshop 1: FHR Phenomenology and Benchmark Problem Definition. 12-13 March 2015 in Berkeley, CA. | Nuclear Innovation Workshop. 3-5 March 2015 in Columbus, OH. | FHR IRP-1 Workshop: FHR Test Reactor. 2-3 October 2014 at MIT, Cambridge, MA. |

Seminars and Talks

Seminar. University of Nevada Reno. December 2015. Overview of Fluoride-Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHR). Slides. | Seminar. UC Berkeley. October 2015. Hydrogen Isotope Transport in the Graphitic Fuel Elements of Fluoride-Salt Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHR). Slides | Seminar. Idaho National Laboratory. 20 August 2015. Tritium Transport in FHRs. Slides. | GE Student Research Summit. GE Research Laboratory. 14 August 2015. Static Molten Salt Freezing Experiment. PosterAbstract. |Engineering Physics Colloquium, University of Wisconsin Madison. 21 April 2015. Fluoride Salt Cooled High Temperature Reactors (FHR). Slides. Abstract. | WARF Discovery Challenge Research Symposium. 9 April 2015 at the University of Wisconsin Madison. FHR Poster. |Mechanical Engineering Colloquium, University of Wisconsin Madison. 26 February 2015. PB-FHR and Heat Transfer Phenomenology for Molten Fluoride Salts. SlidesAbstract. | Material Science and Technology Division Seminar. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 20 March 2015. Tritium Transport in FHRs. SlidesAbstract. |

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