The Integrated Research Project (IRP) titled Nuclear Science, Technology, and Education for Molten Salt Reactors (NuSTEM) funded by DOE NEUP started in October 2017, as a collaboration among Texas A&M University, University of California Berkeley, and the University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW). The NuSTEM project involves five technical mission areas (TM) and one educational mission area (EM). The areas to which our groups contributes are highlighted below.
- TM 1 Material and Corrosion Science – UW (Couet, Sridharan, Scarlat) & Texas A&M
- TM 2 Chemical Sensor Development – UW (Scarlat)
- TM 3 Modeling, Multiphysics Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification
- TM 4 Thermal Hydraulic Science
- TM 5 Chlorine-35 (n,p) cross-section measurements
- EM educational tools to prepare young professionals to work on MSR development and safety analysis. – all PIs
Upcoming events and conference presentations related to this project:
- NuSTEM IRP Team Meeting: 4/17-4/19, UW Madison
- ANS Annual Meeting: 6/17-6/21, Philadelphia, PA. | C. Falconer, W. H. Doniger, G. Zheng, R. Scarlat, K. Sridharan, A. Couet. Investigation of Materials Corrosion in Molten Fluoride Salts.
- ECS Meeting: 5/13-5/17, Seattle, WA. | B. Goh, F. Carotti, R.O. Scarlat. A Review Of Electrochemical And Non-Electrochemical Approaches To Determining Oxide Concentration In Molten Fluoride Salts.
- ACS Meeting: 3/18-3/22, New Orleans, LA | R. O. Scarlat. Introducing the Chemistry of Molten Salts in the Nuclear Engineering Curriculum.